Tobacco Trouble: How Smoking Impacts Your Dentures

January 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — mdplainview @ 7:27 pm
Set of dentures with cigarette

It’s common knowledge that using tobacco products is bad for your teeth. They contain nicotine which lowers your blood oxygen levels and reduces blood flow which impacts your oral well-being. Your teeth and gums can’t get the valuable nutrients they need which can lead to problems like periodontitis, cavities, oral cancer, and tooth loss. Did you know, though, that it’s equally as dangerous for those with dentures? Keep reading to learn 4 reasons why!

Reason #1: Gum Health

Your dentures rely on an airtight connection against your gums to stay in place. That means tobacco can be particularly risky because it impacts their health. When you smoke or chew tobacco, your gums harden in self-protection. In time, they’ll also shrink and start to recede which means your dentures might no longer fit. They could start to become dislodged so you’re no longer able to eat or speak normally, which can leave you feeling self-conscious and unwilling to participate in social activities.

Reason #2: Stains

Though porcelain dentures might be slightly more resistant to stains than your natural teeth, they’re not entirely impervious. That’s bad news for smokers because the nicotine can cling to your prosthetics. When it is exposed to oxygen as it inevitably is when you breathe, this ingredient turns yellow or brown. You’ll no longer have the sparkling, beautiful smile you’ve grown accustomed to.

Reason #3: Dry Mouth

Tobacco also can give you dry mouth that attracts harmful bacteria that contribute to tooth decay and gum disease. Saliva is your body’s natural defense against unwanted germs because it regularly rinses them away. Even if you have no real teeth remaining, it’s still possible for them to penetrate your gums or jawbone and cause issues. You could develop gum disease which can progress and enter your bloodstream. This has been known to contribute to serious health concerns like heart disease and diabetes.

Reason #4: Discomfort

If your gums have receded, then your dentures will loosen somewhat and slide around in your mouth because they lack the proper suction. If you develop dry mouth on top of that, there’s less lubrication to protect your gums from the resulting friction. As a result, you could end up with painful blisters or sores inside your mouth that can also become infected.  

It’s natural to be concerned when you learn how fully your smoking habit impacts your dentures. It will be much easier for you and your dentist to address any problems that have developed once you quit this addictive habit. Then, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your dentures and oral health are as healthy as can be!

About the Practice

At Meadowbrook Dentistry, patients benefit from two skilled dentists who provide a full array of services under one roof, including dentures. Their primary goal is to give you the gorgeous, happy smile you deserve in a comfortable, stress-free environment. They use state-of-the-art technology including digital imaging and impressions to give you the most accurate, long-lasting results. If you’re worried about damage from smoking, you’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (516) 346-5655.

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