Can Braces Fix TMJ Disorder?

December 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mdplainview @ 3:47 pm
Smiling woman with dark hair and braces

Jaw pain, headaches, ringing in the ears — those are just a few of the possible symptoms caused by TMJ disorder (TMD). If you struggle with this condition, you might be curious about your treatment options. Can braces fix your TMJ disorder, or is there a faster and more convenient solution that you might be a candidate for? This blog post explains what you should know.

What Causes TMD?

TMD is a complex condition that occurs when the temporomandibular joints (called the TMJs, which are located just in front of the ears) are stressed or damaged. Often, the best treatment for TMD depends on what is causing it. Some common culprits behind this issue include:

  • Teeth grinding and clenching
  • A stressful lifestyle
  • Arthritis
  • Past injuries
  • Poor posture
  • A misaligned bite

In some cases, the exact cause of TMD is difficult or even impossible to pinpoint.

Treatment Options

Because your dentist wants to help you get out of pain in the fastest and most convenient way possible, they will likely try conservative treatment options before they recommend braces or clear aligners, such as Invisalign.

For example, you might be a candidate for an occlusal splint, which can stop nocturnal teeth grinding and gently reposition your lower jaw in a way that encourages the surrounding muscles to relax. Equilibration, which involves minor adjustments to the shape of your teeth, might help your upper and lower teeth work harmoniously together and therefore provide TMD relief.

Some patients also find a degree of relief via home remedies. Combining professional treatment with a few minor lifestyle changes — for example, you might need to avoid hard and chewy foods for a while — may do much to reduce the severity of your condition.

Braces and TMD

If your dentist determines that your TMD is the result of significant bite misalignment, they might recommend that you get braces or clear aligners. Over time, braces can gently shift the teeth and lower jaw so all of your oral structures work together properly. That can reduce stress on your facial muscles and provide long-lasting relief from TMD symptoms.

Of course, braces can take several months or longer to complete their work. In the meantime, you may need to use other methods to manage your discomfort. Heat/cold therapy, a modified diet, and over-the-counter pain relievers may help.

Braces are just one possible TMD treatment option. If you are struggling with jaw pain, request a TMJ therapy consultation. Your dentist will do all they can to help you find fast and powerful relief!

Meet the Practice

At Meadowbrook Dentistry, Drs. Miguel A. Casañas Jr. and Bryan Tamburro are proud to provide the Plainview community with a wide range of dental health services, including TMJ therapy, Invisalign, and more. If you have jaw pain or other symptoms of TMJ, our experienced experts can evaluate the situation and recommend your next steps. To learn more about how we may be able to serve you, contact our office at 516-346-5655.

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