Teeth Whitening – Plainview, NY

Gain a Whiter, Brighter Smile Easily and Quickly!

close up of woman smiling with perfect white smile

Stains happen, whether they’re on our clothes or on our pearly whites. While removing stains from clothes may be as simple as throwing them in the washer, removing stains from teeth is not always such an obvious process. People who are considering cosmetic treatments may want to start by looking at teeth whitening treatments from a dentist. Not only can they help improve your smile’s appearance, but also your overall confidence. While this is only one of many treatments designed to improve your smile’s appearance, it’s always a great place to start!

To learn how Dr. Casanas Jr. make your smile several shades whiter, contact our office today!

Why Choose Meadowbrook Dentistry for Teeth Whitening?

  • Fast, Yet Powerful In-House Whitening
  • Convenient Take-Home Options Available
  • Care from an Accredited Team of Experts

In-Office Whitening

man getting in office teeth whitening

Through in-office whitening, achieving a whiter smile has never been easier and more efficient. Whitening is usually done by applying a small amount of bleaching gel to each of the visible teeth in your smile, then either activating it with a specialized dental lamp or simply allowing the gel to activate on its own. Both methods work to dramatically boost the shade of your teeth. Once the gel has fully permeated through the outer enamel layer, it can begin breaking down the molecules inside dentin and the inner enamel layers. In about one hour, your teeth will be brilliantly whiter!

Take-Home Whitening Kits

teeth whitening trays and pen

Take-home whitening kits use the same bleaching materials your dentist uses, however the method and time required to achieve whitening is different than what you’d find in the office. Through special whitening trays and travel-sized containers of bleaching gel, you can whiten your teeth over the course of about two weeks and still achieve the same results. By filling the trays with gel and wearing them for about 20 to 30 minutes a day for two weeks, you can achieve the same level of whitening you’d find at the practice.

The Benefits of Teeth Whitening

woman in striped shirt smiling

Depending on your needs, whitening can be beneficial in many different ways. One of the main benefits is how having a whiter smile can truly give a boost to your self-confidence. People who smile more often are often seen as more attractive and more trustworthy, which may be very helpful at your job. Those with an attractive smile also have more reason to smile more often, which has shown to boost your mood overall compared to those who do not.

Finally, if you have a special occasion coming up, whether it’s a wedding or professional work event, having a white smile can truly help you look your best. This is especially true if you’re the lucky person who’s getting married!

Is Teeth Whitening Right for You?

woman sitting on sofa smiling

Keep in mind that while teeth whitening is ideal for most people, it is typically reserved for adults who have healthy teeth and gums. It’s not typically for children, nor for those with receding gums or tooth decay. Before any cosmetic treatment can be recommended, not just teeth whitening, you should make sure to have a thorough examination and cleaning prior.

Don’t settle for stains when you have a real opportunity to get the smile you’ve always wanted. Contact our office to speak with a cosmetic dentist in Plainview!

Understanding the Cost of Teeth Whitening

smiling man after understanding the cost of teeth whitening in Plainview

At Meadowbrook Dentistry, we realize that, when you are considering options to brighten your teeth, the cost of treatment is a legitimate concern. Let us answer any of your questions about the cost during your consultation. We can talk about the various choices available to you and weigh the pros and cons of each until together we find a solution that will end in a brighter, more brilliant smile! Until then, here is some information to think about in terms of the cost.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Teeth Whitening

smiling woman after considering the factors affecting the cost of teeth whitening

Although the price of the procedure itself is one price for everyone, your overall treatment plan could vary in price depending on several factors:

  • How many treatments you need based on the severity of the stains and discoloration
  • The location of the discoloration (i.e., on the enamel surface or inside the tooth)
  • The cause of the discoloration (e.g., age related, side effect of medications)
  • What, if any, other treatments (e.g., crowns, veneers) you are receiving first

Types of Teeth Whitening: What Do They Cost?

man getting in office teeth whitening

Overall, there are four types of teeth whitening available to you, detailed below. When you come to our office for your consultation, we can talk about your goals, needs, and budget. Together we can determine which option is the best choice for your smile.

  • In-office teeth whitening typically costs the most, usually between $400 and $800, but the specific amount may vary.
  • Take-home whitening kits come with custom-fit trays are priced at a few hundred dollars.

Meanwhile, over-the-counter whitening trays are usually under $100. However, these are not fitted to your unique mouth and smile, sometimes resulting in uneven whitening. 

Inexpensive Teeth Whitening vs. Professional Teeth Whitening

closeup of whitening toothpaste

Looking only at the hard numbers, professional-grade whitening can seem like a bad deal, but the truth is that you get what you pay for in the results. Although cheaper options cost less, the whitening solution is much weaker, and it takes significantly longer to notice a difference. Especially if you have severe discoloration, professional whitening can provide results in as little as one appointment that would otherwise take months with commercial whitening products. Before you decide on a treatment, carefully consider how quickly and effectively you want to see brighter teeth—not just the price tag.

Options for Making Teeth Whitening Affordable

woman holding a piggy bank

Unfortunately, teeth whitening is considered an elective procedure, which means that traditional insurance doesn’t cover this treatment. 

We also assist patients who are interested in financing whitening treatment so that the total is paid off in smaller amounts every month. Many find that this makes the cosmetic procedure easier to fit in any budget.

Teeth Whitening FAQs

Man with teeth whitening in Plainview smiling at work

Do you want to learn more about teeth whitening in Plainview? Then you’re in the right place! If you have a specific question on your mind, then we encourage you to reach out to our team to schedule a consultation. If you’d like to do more research beforehand, that’s okay too. In that case, keep reading to learn the answers to a few of the most frequently asked questions about teeth whitening.

What’s the Difference Between Professional and Store-Bought Teeth Whitening?

Over-the-counter whitening products put a lot of money into making people think they deliver the same results as professional treatments for a fraction of the price. Ultimately, this isn’t true. In addition to having one-size-fits-all applicators, these brands use diluted whiteners. Professional teeth whitening, on the other hand, is completely personalized to the patient’s dental needs and smile goals. Plus, your dentist will take into account important factors, like the condition of your oral health and existing restorations. So, if you want to blast away dental discoloration in a safe and reliable way, professional teeth whitening is the way to go.

How Can I Make My Teeth Whitening Results Last?

Naturally, you want the results from your teeth whitening treatment to last as long as possible. With the right best practices in place, you can! First and foremost, you need to implement a solid oral hygiene regimen, which includes brushing after each meal, flossing daily, and getting a cleaning every six months. Secondly, you should avoid unhealthy dental habits, like smoking. Lastly, do your best to stick to white and light-colored foods, like yogurt, eggs, and oatmeal. Orange soda, soy sauce, and the like all have the ability to re-stain your teeth, so steer clear of them whenever possible.

Am I a Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

If you’re unhappy with your smile due to pigmented discoloration, then you may be a candidate for teeth whitening! The best way to find out is by scheduling a consultation with our Plainview cosmetic dentist. Once they’ve examined your teeth, confirmed your oral health is in good condition, and learned about your smile goals, they’ll determine if teeth whitening is the best cosmetic dental treatment for you.

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Treatment Take?

Your treatment timeline will depend on several factors, including whether you opt for an in-office or take-home whitening treatment. While an in-office visit with our cosmetic dentist can lighten your teeth up to eight shades in a single visit, take-home options usually take a bit longer (around two weeks). There are other factors to consider as well, like the condition of your oral health and your smile goals. If you need a restorative service, like a dental crown, beforehand, that will add time onto your treatment plan. If you want to address pigmented stains, then you may need more than one in-office treatment to get the results you’re looking for. At your initial consultation, we’ll review all of these factors and provide you with an estimate. That way, you have a realistic timeline upfront!