Is Your Eye Pain Caused by TMJ Disorder?

October 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mdplainview @ 3:44 pm
Man sitting at computer, dealing with eye pain

TMJ disorder, sometimes called TMD or simply TMJ, is a condition that afflicts the jaw joint. It is often associated with symptoms like facial pain, difficulty chewing, and popping and clicking in the jaw. But did you know that it can be the cause of dozens of other issues? It might even be to blame for your eye pain! How is that the case, and what can you do to find relief? This blog post explains what you should know.

How Can TMD Cause Eye Pain?

When people mention eye pain, they might be talking about pain in the eyes themselves or pain in the area directly around the eyes, which is known as orbital eye pain. TMD may cause orbital eye pain because it afflicts the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which controls the movement of the lower jaw.

Often, the explanation behind the eye pain is related to the nerves. Three nerve branches send signals from the upper jaw, lower jaw, and eye area. All of them are connected to the trigeminal nerve, so a problem in one area can easily cause pain in another, related area.

Another possible cause of eye pain related to TMD has to do with the facial muscles. A dysfunction within the TMJ can place strain on all of the surrounding muscles, including those that are anchored just behind the eyes. Pain may result from this issue.

It is also worth noting that TMD is a migraine trigger for some people, and migraines are often accompanied by vision problems and eye discomfort.

What Can You Do?

If you believe that your eye pain is caused by TMD, one of the first things you should do is confirm your suspicion. A qualified dentist can learn about your symptoms, examine your mouth, and determine whether you have TMD. After you start treatment, you may soon find relief. One common way to address TMD is via a custom-made oral appliance, which can relieve pressure on the TMJ, help it to heal, and reduce (or eliminate) facial pain, eye aches, and many other symptoms.

On the other hand, if you have not noticed any jaw pain or other issues that might point to a problem with your TMJ, your eye pain might be unrelated to TMD. An optometrist may be the best person to diagnose the cause of your discomfort and recommend a solution.

You should not have to live with eye pain and other symptoms of TMD! Seek appropriate care so you can get on the path to long-lasting relief.

Meet the Practice

Drs. Miguel Casanas and Bryan Tamburro are proud to serve patients in Plainview, NY, office. If you have been struggling with eye pain or other symptoms that you believe are related to TMJ disorder, they can evaluate the situation and recommend your next steps. They have already helped countless patients find relief from TMD — they may be able to help you as well! Get in touch with Meadowbrook Dentistry at 516-346-5655.

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